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"I have a problem versus I am the problem"

For more than 25 years we have been involved in assisting Alcoholics and drug addicts to change their lives to a life of meaning purpose and sobriety

Society and the "Professionals" writes journals on "you have a drug or alcohol or depression or imbalance in the brain problem , disorder, desease illness "

We wish to submit the following to you:

During our 25 years of daily involvement ,and living in my home with people to whom these deseases and illness were ascribed , we have yet to find alcohol , drugs, or any of these deseases to be contagious, or just jumped into people

We submit that people take a willful cognative decision to go and purchase the substance , abuse it and ascribe it to be the problem

No, you that are using the substance are the problem .It is not a desease otherwise we must have been dead by now after attending to all our students(not pasients" that went through our facility .

We further submit to you that there is a reason why people abuse alcohol and drugs and our submission is that it is a result of emotional trauma that has not been dealt with in the past For every Action there is a catalist that leads to a reaction that results in a solution Tha catalists have to be removed in order for the reaction to be nul and void Then there will not be a need to find a solution to bury the hurt and the pain of self rejection and self destruction

Amazingly when we admit that we are the problem , we can change , selfishness , self rejection, self destruction, and self respect is restored because we can

For to long we have believed what the professionals have said without checking it out and as such it became a crutch for us to continue to use because "we have a desease "

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